Minor Oral Surgery Post-Operative Instructions
The following instructions generally apply following minor oral surgery procedures such as the placement of dental implants or an oral biopsy. Your treating practitioner, following your oral surgical procedure, will advise you, if you are required to follow these instructions below.
Feature | Do | Don’ts |
Rest |
Return to work same day Usual activities of daily living |
Strenuous activity for 3 days |
Nutrition |
Aim to drink over 1-1.5L of water / day Regular diet |
Hot and cold foods for 6hours after the procedure Hard or sharp foods such as nuts & chips for the first 2 weeks Alcohol for 2 weeks |
Oral hygiene |
Brush teeth twice a day Gently rinse 10mLs of the curasept mouthrinse in your mouth for 30 seconds then spit out, four times a day, for two weeks If food gets stuck in the sutures, rinse it out after your meal using the monojet syringe provided and salty water (mix a tea spoon of salt in a clean cup of warm water) |
Brushing the surgical site Food remaining stuck at surgical site (rinse it off instead Smoking (1month) |
Pain |
May be sore for a couple of days |
Take neurofen for more than 5 days |
Swelling | Usually there will be a minimal amount of swelling from the surgical site which may increase for up to 3 days before resolving by the end of the week | N/A |
Bleeding |
The surgical site might bleed slowly intermittently for a couple of days after the procedure. |
Don’t check the bleeding every 5minutes once you have placed the gauze there as it usually takes 30minutes for the bleeding to settle with firm pressure |