Wisdom Tooth Surgery Post-Operative Instructions

Home 9 Wisdom Tooth Surgery Post-Operative Instructions

The following instructions generally apply following wisdom tooth surgery for impacted teeth in the majority of cases. Your treating practitioner will advise you if you are required to follow the instructions below after surgery. 

Post operative care:

Recovery Description Instructions
Rest You are likely to require some time off work to rest and recover, depending on your age, occupation, medical history and difficulty of the surgery.

Avoid strenuous activity while resting

Light exercise is ok

Eating and drinking 

It is important to be well nourished and hydrated to recover as quickly as possible.

Start with soft foods (e.g soups, soft rice, bananas, smoothies) gradually work your way to your normal diet over the next couple of days to 1 week

Drink > 1.5L of water / day

Avoid hot foods until the day after surgery to avoid accidental burns while numb

Avoid fasting after surgery for the first week

Swelling The body’s normal response to a surgical procedure is swelling which may increase up to three days after the procedure and fully resolve in the next 1-2 weeks

Head up while awake

Ice pack to swollen region during the day for 15minutes at a time (first two days only)

Sleep on an extra pillow (first two nights only)

Pain It is normal to be sore for a couple of days after surgery which will fully resolve in the next 1-2 weeks.

Take your pain killers Panadol (Paracetamol) and Neurofen (Ibuprofen) as prescribed.

The majority of patients obtain excellent pain relief with Panadol and Neurofen at the prescribed regimen. You may be given a couple of Endone tablets to take if additional pain relief is required (take half to one tablet every 6 hours as required). Cease Endone if you become drowsy or nauseas.

Bleeding It is common for the surgical site to bleed a tiny bit for a couple of days after oral surgery

Fold a piece of new clean gauze and then place it directly over the surgical site and bite down firmly for 1hr – this should control the bleeding

Don’t check the surgical site every 5minutes & don’t place the gauze over the teeth – direct and constant pressure is needed over the surgical site for the blood to clot and stop bleeding!

Infection Infection is a rare complication after oral surgery

Take your antibiotics as prescribed

Take your antibacterial mouthwash (Savacol or Curasept) as prescribed

No smoking for four weeks after surgery

Wound breakdown Wound breakdown is an uncommon complication after oral surgery

Irrigate the surgical site & sutures using the syringe that we provided to you, with warm salty water after meals to flush away any trapped food over the surgical site for two weeks. Warm salty water can be made by mixing a tea spoon of salt and warm water in a clean cup.

Brush your teeth twice a day – AVOID brushing the surgical wound (this can traumatize the wound).

Avoid sharp foods for two weeks (e.g potato chips, nuts)

Limited mouth opening after surgery You may have limited mouth opening  due to soreness or stiffness of the muscles around the jaw for a couple of days after an oral surgery procedure

Jaw stretching exercises can be used to help the mouth opening return to normal, by opening and closing your mouth repeatedly for 5minutes at a time, every 4hrs while awake, for a couple of days.

Ensure you take your pain killers paracetamol and neurofen if undertaking these jaw stretching exercises.

Please take the medications as prescribed below. In some patients with certain allergies or medical conditions, alternative medications may be prescribed. In addition, if you experience an adverse effect to a medication such as nausea, vomiting or drowsiness, please stop taking this medication and seek advice from your dental or medical practitioner.

Indication Medication name Dose Prescription Ideal times (is possible, for maximum benefit) Take with food Maximum dose / 24hrs



Pain killers

Panadol 500mg = 1 tablet Two tablets four times a day for 7 days then as required 7am, 12pm, 5pm, 10pm Optional 8 tablets (4000mg)
Neurofen 400mg = 1 tablet Take one tablet three times a day for three days then as required 10am, 3pm, 8pm Absorbed best when taken without food 6 tablets (2400mg)
Endone 5mg = 1 tablet Half to one tablet every 6hours to be taken only if the other pain killers are not sufficient (maximum 10tablets) As required After food 4 tablets (20mg) or less if feeling drowsy
Prevent infection (antibiotic) Augmentin Duo 500/125mg = 1 tablet Take one tablet twice daily for 5 days 8am, 8pm Take immediately before or with the first mouthful of food Two tablets per day
Oral hygiene Curasept 10mLs Rinse 10mLs in the mouth gently for 30 seconds then spit out, four times daily for 4 weeks N/A N/A N/A